The Boss

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

ok... so i've decided to do a blog.

and... as a blog stalker, i've picked up many cool ideas from my friends.

i've noticed that some of my friends don't use their real names. i like this... so... i asked the kiddos to come up with their own blog names. after filtering through a few names like super freak and stone boss, then trying to make the baby understand that he can't use his own name... or his brother's name... or a combination of both. they're happy with... little princess, stone, and super t.

there was no need to ask the hubby. he will be the boss. and those of you who know him, may already know about his weird obsession with being called the boss. i don't understand it... i will not call him that in real life... but i will use it here.

so... i'm jumpin in with both feet. i don't know what i'm doing, and it's taken me two days just to get a layout... but... i'm learning.

question of the day... because i'm forever learning, and who better to learn from than your friends... how does a ten year old girl come up with the blog name "super freak"? (i blame her father)


James Hewitt said...

congrats on your stepping into the blog life. I don't know about the super freak, but I blame the parents. You know that the single most infuential person in a little girls life is the same sex parent, so maybe it's some of your energy infuencing her. Every little girl wants to be like mom.

jo said...

Yea!!!!! You did it. Oh how happy I am!!!! And I'm the first commenter on your first post of your first blog. Fun times. I love your look and the names are a riot. Can't wait to live vicariously through you. Thanks for including me in your grand opening.

jo said...

Woops James beat me. Ok second to James is not bad. Who is James?

Misty said...

Welcome my friend. There is no right or wrong way to do it. Just be yourself and that is enough!

Mike Archer said...

finally...i knew you wanted to'll be good at it. now if we can get the boss to would have to be voice activated though since he's an index finger typer.

Candice Hair said...

Cristi! Yay! I am going to love reading your blog! I like the black...very sleek! I think you have it wrong....your hubby should be the one named "super freak"....tell that to little princess. I'm sure she wouldn't mind being "the boss"

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